At City Bible Church, we believe there is a precedent set in the Bible for churches to follow in how they are led. Ultimately we believe that Jesus is the head of the church; we belong to Him. We believe the clear pattern in Scripture is that the local church is not to be led by one man, but by a plurality of elders — who are equal in their leadership but often distinct in their function.
For more information on what we believe about pastoral leadership, please refer to our Statement of Faith.

Marwan Aboul-Zelof was born in the Middle East, and has family roots throughout the region. Due to war in his birth country, his family moved to the US when he was a child. While in university, Marwan’s desire grew to return to the Middle East for the sake of the gospel. Prior to planting City Bible Church, he served as a pastoral intern and church planting resident with Redeemer Church of Dubai.
Marwan is married to Marci and they have two young boys, Noah and Shaya. He loves to spend time with his family, is a self-proclaimed foodie and coffee connsoisseur, and loves walking around and exploring Beirut.
–Click HERE to read articles written by Pastor Marwan–

Anwar Sawaya was born in Dhour Choueir, Lebanon to a Roman Catholic family. In 1982, due to the Civil War, Anwar emigrated to the US. It was there, four years later, that he repented of his sins and trusted in Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord.
In 1996, he and his wife Julene moved to Abu Dhabi. They immediately joined the Evangelical Community Church of Abu Dhabi, and over the years they served the church in a variety of ways. Most recently Anwar served as an elder.
In 2021, after 25 years of living in Abu Dhabi, Anwar and Julene sensed a strong calling to move to Lebanon and serve the Lord full-time. In God’s sovereignty, the Lord directed them to City Bible Church and they moved to Beirut in September 2022.
Anwar and Julene have three adult children. Jared (married to Chelsea); Eric (married to Caitlin); and Jessica.

Serge Rouhana was born in Beirut, Lebanon. As a baby, his family emigrated to Houston, Texas, where he grew up. At 15, Serge heard the true gospel and believed in Jesus Christ for salvation. Throughout his time in college, he grew in his faith and desire to make disciples. Coming out of college, he worked as a Chemical Engineer for 12 years, as he ministered within his workplace, church, neighborhood, and among refugees.
After his marriage to Anna, God began to stir in both of them to desire to move to the Middle East to make His name known. Seeing a good opportunity in Lebanon, they moved to Beirut in 2023. Serge works on staff as an Associate Pastor. Serge is passionate about discipling men to greater maturity in Christ.

Mike Wiebe was born in Manitoba, Canada. Raised in a Christian home, he came to know Christ at an early age.
Mike and his wife, Stacy, have been in full-time ministry for 25 years. They spent a decade in South Asia, where Mike served as a pastor and church planter. In 2021, they moved to Beirut to join City Bible Church.
Mike holds an MTh in Pastoral Ministry from Bakke Graduate University.
He and Stacy have two adult children who live in the United States. Mike enjoys swimming, hiking, and exploring Lebanon’s great outdoors.